If you want to listen to the premium episodes of the series, you’ll need to become one of our Cold War Heroes and register for one of our premium accounts. As always with our series, full-time students and unemployed folks can subscribe for free. Want to upgrade your account? Go here!



The basic subscription level that you need to listen to the show. Typically for people who are working on a collectivized farm in Soviet Russia and can’t really contribute much because Stalin takes everything.

REWARD: Get your name read out on the show.

DEFCON1 costs $5 / mth (USD).





For those who actually have a job and aren’t complete Scrooge McDuck tight-asses. Typically found working in an American arms factory, making bullets to “liberate” defenceless Latin American countries.

REWARD: You get to ask us a question that we’ll answer on the show.  

DEFCON2 Costs $10 / mth (USD).


The very top level of support for people who are part of capitalist elite. These folks are typically found exploiting the labour of the proletariat, smoking big fat stogies, and wearing a monocle.

REWARD: Have a private threesome with Cam & Ray (that’s a two-on-one Skype call). 

DEFCON3 costs $20 / mth (USD).